Hello, I’m Robin

Like any creative, I make a lot of things without money in the mix. Here’s a small collection:

Promo Flyers


When your friends spin records on the regular, it’s only natural that you want to get involved any way you can! I love making graphics for any kind of music event, especially if I can attend. These pieces are a surefire way for me to experiment with wacky typefaces.

Rejected Band Teeshirt Designs

What do you do when your husband’s band sells tee shirts you would never wear? Make some that appeal to you, all the long-suffering indie rock girlfriends out there, and the real nerd fans I see at every show. It’s tough to nail the shambolic visual aesthetic of the Jicks; my favorite merch of the lot is usually made by the drummer (they’ve had a few!). Sometimes my designs are chosen, sometimes they are deemed ‘too design-y’. No matter, I still love exploring the visuals every new album cycle inspires in me. As a music lifer, it’s an honor to make any of the bits people might pore over.

Cart Life

My cousin Brad has been shopping at Winco Foods with his daughter Verla and photographing her strapped into the cart since she was an infant. He posted the photos intermittently on Facebook. Once the pandemic began, the posts stopped. The last one was a shot of a puzzled Verla amidst the completely empty toilet paper aisle. For Verla’s 3rd birthday, I gathered all these photos and created a surprise book for them that documents her growth and puts some joy into these dark times.

Goofy Millinery

The problem: my good friend had some rough years involving divorce. The solution: remind her who she is and how much I love her, and make her smile too. Using a new typeface called ‘Color Up Your Life’ (by Garis Lengkung) as inspiration, I created a design, took it to the Stitchworks kiosk at the mall, and had them whip up this quality snapback. Her maiden name really does start with FUN and now everybody knows it.

Illustrated Lyrics

Local hot sauce queen Robin Rosenberg started a fundraiser called ‘Sauce Aid’ to help other sauce makers hit hard by this unending pandemic. She is super inspirational to me, so I was glad to help when she needed illustrations for the Sauce Aid jingle called ‘Pass the Sauce’. She chose the lyric ‘'…heart of the neighborhood…’ for me to illustrate. You can buy her Bobbie’s Boat Sauce at fine stores in town.

Zine Series Cover Design

ALIEN SHE was a traveling exhibition about the impact of Riot Grrrl that came to PNCA in 2017. It included a zine project that documents more of the perspectives and narratives that informed the movement. I made and contributed to so many zines back in the day, outraged budding feminist that I was/am, that they asked me to make the covers. Perhaps they don’t look as crappy and hand-made as the ones I used to generate at Kinko’s late at night using cut out images, but they still evoke the rush of those times: blurry, shoestring, doing our best and making it personal. I went to the exhibit and was stoked to see a flyer for a show where my very first band played (woefully named ‘Group Hug’). *The flyer pictured was made by Johanna Fateman from back in the day.